Starting a Horse Under Saddle Online Clinic
What you get for only
16 video based lessons
Over 7 hours of video training
Lifetime access
Streaming video
Each lesson is less than 30 minutes, and neither horse nor human raise a sweat.
"The money I invested in the Starting a Horse Under Saddle Online Clinic is proving to be one of the best things I have ever done to help me become a better horseperson. You may not realize that your quiet, calm, steady demeanor not only positively impacts the horse, but also the human who is just as worried. I thank you for your efforts and look forward to my future lessons." Vickie Griffis
About Neil Davies
For over 50 years Neil has dedicated his to understanding and training horses and now you can take advantage of his knowledge and experience.
Neil has seen it all, from $100 backyard ponies to thoroughbreds worth millions. He's handled thousands of so-called bad, mad and wild horses over the past half century.
His knowledge is original and unique. It’s not something he read or saw or copied from someone else. He knows what he knows from working with so many horses, day after day, month after month and year after year.
“Neil’s approach is so simple it’s hard to believe it works. But it’s more powerful than anything I have seen.” Hoofprint Magazine, New Zealand
16 video based lessons
Over 7 hours of video training
Lifetime access
Streaming video
Each lesson is less than 30 minutes, and neither horse nor human raise a sweat.
Neil Davies says:
"Every horse can learn to be relaxed and confident, just as every horse can learn to buck and fight."
"I can't give you experience, but I can give everyone the benefit of my years of experience working with thousands of horses."
"I bought the book and the Starting a Horse Under Saddle Online Clinic for my Daughter for a late Christmas present.
In the last 10 days she has implemented it on her 2yr old filly with amazing results.
I’ve been around horses all my life and Neil’s system just makes sense and the proof is in the results.
Another great thing about this system is that an individual can do it on their own.
No need for another person and horse to ride beside, or god forbid chase the colt to get it going.
Neil, it is wonderful that you are sharing this knowledge."
Stewart Geiger, Winton Queensland Australia January 2023
"Neil, you saved my life.
I have educated over 500 thoroughbreds to the saddle for their 1st time in my life and not 1 of them bucked. I learnt your way in 1995 at a class you did on Racecourse Road Cambridge New Zealand and have used your way ever since.
I Even started 62 horses in Japan in 2.5 months and not one of them bucked or got shifty with me riding them.
Thank you from me and all those horses. Thanks !!"
Mark Blackie New Zealand
"Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge.
I have your book and both the foal handling and starting under saddle videos which I followed as closely as I could.
My little colt had attitude and was a biter and kicker right from his first week but we got through that.
This is where we’re now at. Still haven’t ventured out of the arena but I am so happy to have been able to do this myself."
Sue Fyfe, Australia
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Lesson 1
How to use a catching pole to place a rope on a horse. Using the rope to teach the horse to stand. How to approach a worried horse. Showing the horse that it's good to keep his head with me. Going to the horse, instead of chasing him in a round pen. How to teach the horse to relax. How to get the horse's mind working.

Lesson 2
Why you shouldn't expect the horse to come to you. Why confidence and relaxation is the most important thing. How to build confidence. How to teach the horse to relieve his worries. Teaching the horse to stand and bring his head around and how this is used to handle the horse's legs. How to teach the horse to stand when he's worried, instead of rushing away or bucking. How to mount bareback for the first time.

Lesson 3
The best way to catch a worried horse. How to build a horse's confidence. How to handle a horse's legs and the importance of working in small increments. How to teach a horse to stand to relieve pressure instead of kicking or moving away. Why there's never a need to use a flag to handle a horse's legs. How to work in small increments and break the lesson into small steps. How to use a long stick on the horse's rump to teach a horse to step forward. How to teach different ground positions and these positions lead to everything you ever want to do with your horse. How to teach the horse to walk exactly where and how you want him to walk. Answering questions from the crowd.

Lesson 4
Why taking your time isn't the answer. Teaching the horse to forward in the trot. How to get excess energy out of the horse. How to break the lesson up by working on different things. Moving forward in correct circles explained. How these correct circles relate to moving forward with the rider. How to work on teaching the horse to move exactly where you ask. How to hold a horse's legs off the ground. The importance of being definite and consistent. Why chasing a horse in a round yard is never the answer. What to do if a horse leans on you when handling his legs. Negative reinforcement explained.

Lesson 5
How to teach the horse to move more freely. What to do if the horse is better one side than the other. How to work on problems without making fights. How to mount bareback and how to teach the horse to stand and wait for you to dismount. How to teach the horse to walk a smaller circle that he can relate to when you sit on his back. What to do when the horse is worried by having you on his back. Why it's important to come back a step when the horse is worried.

Lesson 6
How to break the lesson up and work on different things. How to teach the horse to move forward in the walk and trot in the small yard. What to look for in the trot. How to teach a horse to move forward with a rider on his back. Why it's important to come back a step when a horse doesn't understand what's wanted. How the horse will relate the circle he's learned on the ground to a circle when a rider is on his back.

Lesson 7
Why confidence and relaxation is the most important thing.

Lesson 8
Instead of asking for more, I come back a step and show the horse what I want. The horse is relaxing and learning to move forward with me on his back.

Lesson 9
Why I use a square yard. Teaching the horse to move how I ask, where I ask, at the speed I ask – on the ground and with me on his back.

Lesson 10
Introducing the saddle – no fear, no bucking. The first steps with the saddle and rider.

Lesson 11
Teaching the horse to go with me on his back. The importance of standing and relaxing.

Lesson 12
Teaching the horse to trot with the rider on his back. Explaining the sequence of lessons.

Lesson 13
Moving out of the small yard. Introducing my legs to encourage the horse to move forward. Keeping the horse concentrating on me at all times.

Lesson 14
Trimming the horse's feet. No restraints, no drama.

Lesson 15
Catching and riding in a large arena. The first canter on each lead. Introducing the stockwhip.

Lesson 16
Introducing the bit. The first ride in an open paddock. Introducing the hose.
Online Video Clinics